About me
Elco PT Boat
Sirius Hovercraft
Shengqi Hummer
Thunder Tiger EB4 S3
Mini Titan E325
Thunder Tiger G3 MT4
Odds and ends
Honda CB750 CE
CB750 Now
Side Panel Disaster
Bikes Vans Cars
Carol's Cat Page
8-Bit Software
The Barnsley Rover Logs
Contact me
My YouTube Channel
Chris Richardson
Welcome. I hope you find useful or entertaining stuff here. Tap the burger top left for the menu.
Amongst the kelter here is documentation for some of my toys which includes:
My Current Hovercraft Build
PT Boat Build
The Shengqi Hummer
Thunder Tiger Mini Titan E325 Helicopter
Thunder Tiger EB4 S3 Nitro car
Thunder Tiger G3 MT4 Electric Car
with particularly detailed info on the
Honda CB 750 Custom Exclusive
Plus some other stuff